
9 Ways to Use a Yoga Block

One of my favorite yoga classes in town is a prop-based class, which means that along with our mat, we come to the studio armed with blocks, blankets, straps and bolsters. Using those props, we’re able to get into deeper versions of the poses we usually flow in and out of quickly, and as it turns out, that kind of restorative yoga is exactly what my body craves. For today’s fitness tutorial, Kate joins us to focus on how to use what is probably the most popular yoga prop of them all: the block. Try out these 9 poses separately or sequenced together to unlock your hips, open your shoulders, and free your spine. *photography by Molly Winters; instructions and demonstration by Kate Waitzkin; location is MOD Fitness; wardrobe from Outdoor Voices ...see the slideshow here

The post 9 Ways to Use a Yoga Block appeared first on Camille Styles.

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