Christina Marcellino

New Years Party || Champagne Recipes

Just popping in to share a few of my favorite champagne recipes that would be perfect for your upcoming New Year's celebrations...

Champagne Redbull Jello Shots Ingredients
2 cans Redbull 1 cup champagne 2 packets of Knox Gelatine 12 2 oz. clear plastic shot glasses (find them here)

1. Over medium heat pour 1 cup of Redbull into a sauce pan. Sprinkle 1½ gelatine packets on top and let it sit for a few minutes.

2. Increase heat to medium-high and whisk the gelatin and Redbull until simmering. Slowly add in 1 cup cold champagne to the mixture.

3. Set aside about ¾ cup of jello mixture for creating the foam top. Refrigerate overnight.

4. Carefully fill your shot glasses half way with the jello mixture and refrigerate overnight or for a few hours.

5. Before serving, whip (with a high speed mixer) your ¾ cup of leftover jello until it becomes fluffy and resembles foam. Spoon "foam" on top and serve.

Yields about 12 jello shots. I highly recommend doubling the recipe!

Print recipe for Champagne & Redbull Jello Shots

Recipe #2...
Champagne Jello Shots

{2} boxes of pineapple Jello {4 serving size boxes}
{1½} cups boiling water
{2½} cups champagne
{1} cup sliced strawberries
{20} 2 oz. clear plastic shot glasses (find them here)


Mix your pineapple jello and boiling water in a medium sized bowl, stirring until jello powder has all dissolved. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Stir in champagne and refrigerate for another 30 minutes or until jello has just slightly thickened. Set aside about 3/4 cup of your jello and champagne mixture for creating the foam top and put it back in the refrigerator.

Pour jello and champagne mixture into your shot glasses, then drop a few sliced berries in each glass.

Refrigerate overnight.

Before serving, whip {with a high speed hand mixer} your 3/4 cup left over jello until it becomes white and fluffy and resembles foam. Spoon "foam" on top and serve.

Makes about 20 jello shots

Recipe #3...

Strawberry Champagne

Ingredients 1 pint strawberries, sliced ½ cup sugar 1 lemon, juiced 1 bottle of Champagne {or Prosecco}
Directions Add sliced strawberries in blender. Squeeze in lemon juice and add sugar. Puree until smooth. Add 3 tablespoons {or more} of puree to champagne flute. Slowly fill with champagne. Serve immediately.
Yields enough puree for 2 bottles of champagne

Happy New Year, friends!

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