Dawn McAlexander

Top Tips To Help Wake Up Your Hair Follicles

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and, while this is certainly true, it doesn’t change the fact that you want to see yourself as beautiful. A big part of this is having healthy hair – right down to the hair follicles.

This is true throughout the year but even more so as you get near the holidays and want to make the right statement with your hair. After all, what better time is there it try out something different, such as curls, French braids, flowing loose waves, or a twisted ponytail? Of course, you can’t forget the classic bun which is available in an array of styles, including braided and rose.

The trick to pulling off any of these styles is to make sure you have healthy hair. This is easier than you think, you simply need to wake up your follicles!

Why Wake up Hair Follicles?

Your hair follicles are tunnel-shaped in the outer layer of your skin. Each follicle grows a strand of hair and it starts at the bottom of the follicle. The average person has 100,000 hair follicles on their head! As the hair grows it emerges from the follicle and this is when you can first see it. Because the hair keeps growing it gradually gets longer and longer. But, the key to each strand being healthy is to make sure the follicles get all the protein and other nutrients they need to flourish.

Basically, to wake up your follicles, you need to make sure they have everything they need to grow great hair.

The Right Product

The right product makes a huge difference. However, you should note that it’s not just one hair product per person! Take a look at the impressive Olaplex range. You’ll find there are conditioners designed to nurture your scalp. Other products are designed to hydrate your hair and keep it protected. It’s important that you choose the right products for your hair and recognize that your hair and your hair follicles need different things.

The right products make it much easier to wake your follicles.


Scalp massages feel great. They also stimulate your scalp which encourages blood flow to the area. The greater the blood flow the better the supply of protein and nutrients. As your hair is mainly protein, increasing the supply of this to your follicles is vital if you want to wake them up and get your hair to shine and look its best.

Your Diet

The other way to wake up your follicles and ensure you have thick and healthy hair is to look at what you eat. As mentioned, hair is predominantly protein. This means you need to eat plenty of protein to look after your follicles and your hair. The best approach is to eat a balanced diet and avoid processed foods. Keeping it natural will help to ensure you take in appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats.

Final Thoughts

You can look at things like stem cell therapy but this is designed for those that already have issues with their follicles. By simply choosing the right products for your hair, regularly massaging your scalp, and looking at your diet you will wake up your follicles and get healthy hair in time for your holiday hairstyle!

*This post contains collaborative content.

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