Threads of Memory 1: Portsmouth Star for Ona Judge Staines

Threads of Memory Block 1: Portsmouth Star by Becky Brown The first block in the 2104 free block-of-the-month here at Civil War quilts is Portsmouth Star, a new block with an old-fashioned look, named for Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The coastal town was a place of refuge for Ona Judge Staines and uncounted other African-Americans looking for liberty. The townspeople, as John Whipple informed George Washington in 1796, were “in favor of universal freedom.”
Threads of Memory Block 1: Portsmouth Star by Jean Stanclift
On June 1st, 1796, a ship named the Nancysailed into Portsmouth harbor near what is now the New Hampshire/Maine border. An African-American girl named Ona Marie Judge made her way from the ship to the town. Just fifteen, the runaway slave hoped to pass as a free black in Portsmouth's small African-American community.
Ona's new life collapsed one day that summer when she passed an old acquaintance on the street. Elizabeth Langdon, eighteen-year-old daughter of New Hampshire's Senator, recognized the fugitive from visits to Ona's mistress's parlor. Elizabeth tried to say hello but Ona brushed by without a word, hoping the wealthy white girl would believe she'd been mistaken.
Elizabeth was confident she knew Ona and word soon reached the Virginia slave owners that their property resided in New Hampshire. Ona's master and mistress wanted her back and knew they had constitutional rights to recover the runaway. Under the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act, Portsmouth's officials were obliged to arrest Ona and hold her.

"Absconded from the household of the President of the United States, ONEY JUDGE, a light mulatto girl, much freckled, with very black eyes and bushy black hair..."
Ona's master was quite familiar with the Fugitive Slave Act. As President, George Washington had signed the law. Washington pressured federal appointees to return the girl he called Oney. His correspondence, visible online at the Library of Congress, tells some of the story.
When Ona was in her seventies she talked to two newspaper correspondents about her escape. Their articles tell the other side.
When they moved to the new capital of Philadelphia the first family brought eight slaves from their Virginia plantation. At the age of ten Ona became Martha Washington's personal maid. Oney "was handy and useful…being perfect Mistress of her needle," wrote Washington.
The President's House in Philadelphia. Ona came to work here in 1790.
She recalled that her life in the President's household posed no hardships but she wanted freedom, particularly after she learned the Washingtons planned to will her to granddaughter Elizabeth Parke Custis. Ona apparently did not care for Eliza Custis, a few years her junior. She was determined "never to be her slave."
Gilbert Stuart painted this picture of Eliza Custis the year Ona ran away. Between Ona's opinion and the portrait, we get an idea of Eliza's personality.
Realizing Washington's presidency would soon be over, Ona made the most of her last weeks in Philadelphia.

"Whilst they were packing up to go to Virginia, I was packing to go, I didn't know where; for I knew that if I went back to Virginia, I should never get my liberty. I had friends among the colored people of Philadelphia, had my things carried there beforehand, and left Washington's house while they were eating dinner."
Ona's escape by ship took her from Philadelphia north to Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Captain John Bolles or Bowles
Somehow she booked passage on the Nancycommanded by Captain John Bolles. "I never told his name till after he died, a few years since, lest they should punish him for bringing me away."
Martha Washington with a slave By Edward Savage
Like many slave holders, the Washingtons believed outsiders stirred up discontent. Martha was of the opinion that a deranged Frenchman had seduced Ona. Joseph Whipple, the New Hampshire official charged with returning Ona, explained that the escape was Ona's idea---her "thirst for compleat freedom…had been her only motive for absconding." An angry George Washington fussed, "I am sorry to give you, or any one else trouble on such a trifling occasion, but the ingratitude of the girl, who was brought up and treated more like a child than a Servant…."
Letter from Whipple "I have ascertained the fact that the person mentioned is in this town."
Whipple warned the Ex-President it would be difficult to persuade Ona and just as hard to kidnap her, despite the fact that New Hampshire still sanctioned slavery. "I am informed that many Slaves from the southern states have come to Massachusetts & some to New Hampshire, either of which States they consider as an asylum; the popular opinion here in favor of universal freedom has rendered it difficult to get them back to their masters."
Washington instructed Whipple to use charm. "If she will return to her former service without obliging me to use compulsory means to effect it, her late conduct will be forgiven." Whipple should avoid violence, any measures that "would excite a mob or riot." Whipple's last letter on the topic, mailed right before Christmas 1796, announced the banns for Ona's marriage to Joseph Staines had been published. He was pessimistic he could act without causing the riot Washington hoped to avoid.

Portsmouth Star by Becky Brown from my Ladies's Album reproduction collection for Moda--- in shops in March.
Ona married sailor John Staines. A year passed in which she gave birth to daughter Eliza before she heard from the Washingtons again. Frustrated with Whipple's inaction, Washington sent nephew Burwell Bassett to retrieve her. Bassett tried persuasive lies, promising Ona that on her return the Washingtons would free her, something George Washington had actually dismissed as a bad example to the other slaves. Ona recalled her response to Bassett: "I am free now and choose to remain so."
The Langdon's house, still standing, was a decade old at the time of the plot to kidnap Ona.
Bassett returned to Portsmouth while John Staines was at sea, planning to take Ona and the baby by force. He sketched his plot to Elizabeth Langdon's father at whose home he was lodging. Senator John Langdon sent a messenger warning Ona to run.
Senator John Langdon warned Ona of the Washingtons' kidnap plans.

Portsmouth Star by Dustin Cecil in my Civil War Jubilee collection plus white.
The story's end appeared in the newspaper account fifty years later: "She went to the stable and hired a boy with a horse and carriage to carry her to (the Jack's house) in Greenland (New Hampshire) where she now resides, a distance of eight miles, and remained there until her husband returned from sea."
Washington Mourning Picture Published by Pember & Luzarder, 1800, from the Library of Congress Ona was unlikely to have mourned Washington's passing.
Washington died late in 1799. "They never troubled me any more after he was gone." Ona and her husband raised two or three children in Portsmouth. After being widowed she returned to the house of her Greenland friends, the free black family of John Jacks. In the 1840s, newspapermen found her there, poor and ill but glad to tell her tale.

Ona Judge Staines's story tells us of a network of help in the nation's early years, an Underground Railroad decades before that name or railroads of any kind appeared. Ona absconded on her own but she remained free due to the kindness of many people, among them friends in Philadelphia, ship captain John Bolles, Joseph Whipple who stubbornly refused to act in Washington's behalf, Senator Langdon who alerted her to flee and the Jacks family who took her in when she needed refuge.

What We Can Learn About the Underground Railroad from Ona Judge's Story

Officials often refused to enforce the slavery laws.
Refugees like Ona could live out in the open because authorities did not enforce the laws. New Hampshire was a slave state in the 1790s and her owner had all the clout one could wish for, but officials like Whipple chose not to act. Others like Langdon surreptitiously assisted her. We can only guess their motives, but Whipple suggested that "popular opinion" in the town threatened civil disorder if Ona was arrested.

Block # 1 Portsmouth Star for Ona Judge 12" Block
Refer to your favorite block for shading ideas.
Cutting: A - Cut 1 square 4-1/2" B - Cut squares 5-1/4" x 5-1/4" (4 in all) and cut each into 4 triangles with 2 diagonal cuts. You'll need 2 light squares for 8 triangles; 1 dark for 4 triangles and 1 medium for 4 triangles.

C - Cut squares 2-7/8" x 2-7/8" (4 squares in all ) and cut into 2 triangles with a diagonal cut. You'll need 2 medium light squares and 2 medium dark squares for 4 triangles each.

D - Cut strips 2-1/2" by 4 7/8". Trim one end to a 45 degree angle. Or use the picture below as a template. You need 4 going one way; flip over the template and cut 4 going the other.
To print a template click on this picture. Save it to a JPG or Word file. Print it out so the cutting line at the top is 4-7/8" long.
Piecing the Block

You can find much more about Ona Judge Staines’s life by reading several primary documents online.
Read two interviews by clicking on this link to a site about the President’s House in Philadelphia.
Read correspondence between George Washington and Joseph Whipple concerning Ona by clicking on this link to the website of the Weeks Public Library in Greenland, New Hampshire.
See three of Whipple’s letters by going to the Library of Congress website American Memory. Type Joseph Whipple in the search box at the top right. When the results appear, click on the three letters in the George Washington Papers collection near the top of the first page (letters 2, 3 and 4).
Read more about Ona Judge Staines at these sites:
Portsmouth Star Dustin's All-Ticking Version This is real ticking---not a printed quilt-weight fabric.
Make A Quilt A Month

Set nine Portsmouth Star blocks together with a 3" border to create a 42" quilt.
Alternate 5 blocks with one background and 4 with another for variety.

Another Option
You could rotate those smaller half-square triangles to create a layered look but it would require set-in seams (Y seams) in each corner.
Calm down; you can do it.
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