Classroom Brainstorm · Aug 18, 2014

Back to School Open House Treat FREEBIE!

I don't know about you, but on the top of my checklist is open house!
We are having ours the Thursday before school Labor Day.

Last year I gave each family a pack of microwave popcorn that said Thanks for Popping In! This year I am trying to spend less money because the popcorn was pretty expensive. Hence the hunt for a quick and easy treat to give my students at open house!

Here is my solution and a special FREEBIE just for you!

Thanks for POPPING in Blow Pops!


You can personalize these treats with your own name!

Click to Download your FREEBIE!
Directions: 1. Click the link above! It will take you to Google Drive. 2. Click the arrow at the top of the Google Drive file to DOWNLOAD a copy of the Editable Power Point! (REMEMBER....You cannot edit the file while in Google Drive!) 3. Once Downloaded you can save the file to your own drive. 4. OPEN the file in Power Point! I saved it down so it should work for any version! 5. Click on the text boxes that say "YOUR NAME" and change them to fit your needs. 6. PRINT the labels!
All you need to do to put these sweet treats together for open house is to print as many as you need, buy some Blow Pops, cut out labels and tape them onto the lollipops!

I hope you enjoy this FREEBIE! If you have trouble or have questions, please feel free to leave comments!

Please share on Pinterest and with your friends!

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