Build Your Own Pancake Board

This fun and creative “build your own” pancake board with all the toppings is perfect for breakfast, brunch, and even brinner!

Pancakes are one of my family’s favorite weekend breakfasts. My husband often will make a batch while the kids watch cartoons and I squeeze in a quick run, and then we all sit down together for short stacks with a side of bacon or sausage links.

But while we all love pancakes, we all have our preferred toppings. My go-to is always whipped cream and fresh berries, my husband usually keeps it classic with butter and maple syrup, and my boys usually prefer a simple topping of strawberry jam. So when I was flipping through Maegan Brown’s new book “Beautiful Boards: 50 Amazing Snack Boards for Every Occasion” and came across this epic pancake board with all the toppings you can imagine, I knew I had to make it.

There’s something for everyone on this breakfast board and your friends and family are simply going to go nuts for it— mine did! (more…)

The post Build Your Own Pancake Board appeared first on Completely Delicious.

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