Dorothy Kern

Christmas Sugar Cookies 3 ways

Use one sugar cookie dough recipe to make 3 different Christmas Sugar cookies! These easy ideas are perfect for kids because they can make them all by themselves.

Pretty sugar cookie cups, decorated with Christmas sprinkles, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer cookies, and Christmas Light Cookies – all three are simply decorated and perfect for the holidays.


I’m doing EASY Christmas this year. No cards, shopping online, and easy and fast cookie recipes to gift. I just don’t have the time or brain space this year to plan all the things and do all the entertaining. I want to enjoy Christmas, not be a basket-case on the 25th because I’m exhausted.

My favorite cheater way to make anything is to start with a box mix or refrigerated dough. Add a little custom decoration or homemade frosting and no one is the wiser! That’s why these Christmas Sugar Cookies are perfect for my easy Christmas – it’s one dough decorated 3 ways.

You can start this recipe using a roll of refrigerated cookie dough or use the break-n-bake ones. You can also use a sugar cookie mix or use my homemade sugar cookies which would be perfect for this recipe.

As for frosting, save yourself time and use the can, or make a homemade frosting (in the recipe card below). It’s my favorite cookie frosting and it’s super versatile. These decorations are so easy the kids can do them, leaving you more time for online shopping or eggnog drinking.

I love these easy sugar cookies, made three different ways:

  1. Rudolf Cookies
  2. Christmas Light Cookies
  3. Cookie Cups (surprise inside!)

(BTW, all the products I used to make these cookies are linked just above the recipe, in case you need to find them.)

I think the Rudolf cookies are the best. I made these cookies way back when Jordan was in Kindergarten, and have loved making them ever since. I had some of those candy eyeballs leftover from my pudding cookie monsters, so I used those for eyes. I always think those candy eyes are hilarious. Anyway, if you don’t have them, chocolate chips work too.

To complete Rudolf’s face, use a red M&M and two chocolate covered pretzels. You can use regular pretzels too, but they go stale faster. The chocolate covered ones last several weeks without getting stale…and they taste better!

After Rudolf, I love these next ones: Christmas lights!


The post Christmas Sugar Cookies 3 ways appeared first on Crazy for Crust.

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