designlovefest.com · Aug 1, 2017


justin and i are headed on a longer trip to italy in about 4 weeks so i’ve been heavy in the planning zone over here (which i love to do). we’re doing a mixture of airbnb hotel. some driving, some planes, a few trains. we want to experience a LOT in the month that we’re there. justin has never been to europe and i’m so freaking excited to show him some of my favorite spots and eat tons of pasta. i’ve pretty much mapped out our month, but would love your advice on sicily (no idea where to start) and any recs you have in these spots! ok, here’s our plan so far…


we fly from LA to rome and are here for about 4-5 days. remember my post when i went to rome a few years ago? you can see it here. there was so much i didn’t get to see, so i’m happy to go back!


then we are going to take a train to naples and either take a 1.5 hour car or a bus to our hotel in positano (what do you suggest?) it’s pretty pricey in this area so we are just going for two days before we head to capri.


we’re going to take a ferry to capri and we rented an airbnb in anacapri for two nights. again, more expensive and i don’t think we need tons of time there. but everyone says it’s gorgeous so i’m excited about this one!


here’s where i’m a little lost. we are thinking of taking the ferry back to naples from capri and then taking a flight to sicily. i’ve never been there and i have no clue what area to stay in. we have about 5-6 days allotted for sicily so maybe we divide it into two spots? however, we’re moving around so much (and repacking!) it might be nice to just stay put and relax somewhere? thoughts? did you love sicily? do we skip it and go somewhere else?


then we were going to take a flight to florence and spend 3-4 days there exploring the capital of tuscany. i’ve never been so i would love your fave spots! our airbnb is pretty close to the boboli gardens.


i think we are going to rent a car and explore tuscany for a few days after florence. we can enjoy a few wineries and a quieter setting. some friends are on their honeymoon near siena and they’re trying to get us to crash it, which sounds fun.


our last stop in italy! we are going to ditch the car in siena and jump on a four hour train (i bet it’s so beautiful out the windows!) to venice. i fell in love with this place the last time i was there and i can’t wait to experience it with my guy. so romantic!

would love to hear your comments, thanks so much everyone!! and wow i hope we can get along for this long! haha. any tips!? xx bri

(photos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)


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