Denisa Luntraru

Design a Rustic Living Room with These Tips

When it comes to creating a living room design the majority of homeowners are aiming for a cozy, warm space that’s great for relaxing in and getting together with family or friends. Although there are a number of different ways in which you can design your living room, the rustic and chic look is one that’s definitely guaranteed to give your living room space the cozy factor. On top of that, the addition of vintage décor and furniture can also add a touch of nostalgia and make your living room stand out from all the rest. If you’re thinking of designing a rustic chic living room in your home, we’ve put together a list of great ideas that you might find helpful. Second Hand One of the great things about designing a rustic chic living room is that it can also be really cheap if you’ve got the time to look around for second hand vintage furniture. Online auction sites, local classifieds, and even thrift stores can be treasure troves when it comes to finding great rustic style furniture and you can pick up everything from second hand sofas, cushions and throws, and even wooden furniture at a fraction of the price you’d pay brand new. Color Scheme When it comes to rustic, usually the color theme aimed for is outdoorsy, with browns, greens and creams being great choices. However, you can use any color theme that you like for your rustic living room – contrasting colors tend to work well, or vintage pastels are also a popular choice. One great idea for a rustic living room that we like is to use dark, wooden floors and lighter, cream colored furniture decorated with a range of both dark and pastel scatter cushions and accessories. Décor Ideas With a rustic theme, distressed wood is your best friend, whether it be a table, lamp table, or even your fireplace, steer clear of anything too sleek and modern and instead go for the distressed, shabby chic option. Having a traditional wood burning fireplace is also an excellent option for a rustic chic living room to make it look more authentic, and you can buy firewood from a number of different areas. Firewood delivery Westchester services will even bring the firewood straight to your door regularly to ensure that you’re always warm. Feature Wall Depending on the size and shape of your living room, you may want to include a feature wall that stands out from the other three walls in the room. Often, the feature wall is the fireplace wall. When it comes to choosing a rustic design, there are a number of different choices – you could opt for a plain color which matches your furniture choices, or another popular feature wall of choice is to go for a vintage inspired floral wallpaper.
Have you got any great ideas for a rustic inspired living room that you’d like to share with our readers? Whether it’s décor, furniture, or even DIY ideas, we’d love to hear from you in the comments.
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