Authenticity, personality and charm take time to cultivate. True for people, true for homes. Standard walls and windows evolve detail by detail, piece by piece over time into a reflection of the people who live there. And just as people never stop changing, our homes never do either. Repainting, rearranging and redesigning are just part of the evolution. Today’s home tour has transformed over the years from builder’s beige to a well-loved, bohemian, mid-century space accented with rich tones, textures and one-of-a-kind pieces.
Elizabeth, macramé artist and home-educator, and Tim McTague, a former touring musician and current band merchandiser, moved into this 2,100-square-foot-house eight years ago. Tim bought the home in Lutz, FL while he and Elizabeth were dating, planning to propose a few months later. The great neighborhood and open layout made this an ideal space for their life together, but the standard builder finishes didn’t cut it. “Our house is fairly new, so we didn’t have the advantage of an older home with lots of character and architectural detail. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years trying to turn the considerable blandness of the interior into something unique and special that really feels like my style,” Elizabeth says. Their family has expanded with Maren, Ezra and Ida since moving in and the home has transformed with them. “Our walls have seen many, many colors of paint and the furniture has been moved and removed and moved again. I’ve had the dining room in the living room and the living room in the dining room. My oldest daughter has lived in each of the three bedrooms on the other side of the house at separate points in time. It has taken me many years to finally figure out where to put my furniture, and to realize that white walls are really the best fit for most of the spaces in this house, not forest green, not yellow.”
Personal charm is everywhere in this beautiful space. The layering of mid-century furniture with handmade, global patterns and modern design details creates an intriguing, intentional space that balances old and new, clean-line and handmade. Elizabeth’s intricate macramé pieces are displayed on the walls and collections of art, books and textiles are found in moments, large and small, throughout the house. “I want my home to feel clean, comfortable, and unique. I want people to come in my front door and be really interested in all the things around them — some of my favorite homes I’ve ever been in are ones where I am mesmerized by all the little personal details the homeowner has carefully curated around their space,” Elizabeth says. “It was a long, long process turning this house into a home we are truly comfortable in and proud of.” All of the challenges and changes have been worth it. I love the way this home reflects the personality and lives of the people who live there with style and charm. – Lauren
Photography by Honey Lake Studio