Karyn Granrud

Girly Galaxy Cake Tuorial

Grily Galaxy Cake Tutorial

I just loved the pink, blue and purple colors in this cake! It’s so girly and perfect for a fun birthday party celebration. You can call it an ombre cake if you’d like or you can imagine a constellation in the galaxy with swirls of colors blending together in perfect harmony. I’m so smitten with this Girly Galaxy Cake, and I’m sure you will be too. It’s quite easy to do and everyone will impressed with your awesome cake skills. It all starts off with your favorite cake and Cake Mate Icing. Top it with a fun Cake Mate Easter banner found only at Target and you’ll have a great dessert for Easter Sunday.

Girly Galaxy Cake Tuorial

Author: Karyn Granrud
Recipe type: Cake Serves: 1 cake Prep time: 60 mins Cook time: 30 mins Total time: 1 hour 30 mins Print
This beautiful Galaxy Cake is perfect for a girly party, Easter Sunday dessert and Mother's Day.
  • Your Favorite Cake baked in 2- 8" round cake pans
  • Vanilla buttercream frosting
  • Cake Mate Icing - Pink, Blue, Purple
  • 3 Cake Mate Piping bags
  • Cake Mate Crystals in pink, blue, purple, classic pearls, and cupcake gems

  1. Bake your favorite cake in 2 round 8" pans and cool completely.
  2. Crumb coat your cakes with a thin layer of buttercream frosting. Place in the fridge to "dry" for 1 hour.
  3. Mix ½ a container of Cake Mate Pink Icing with equal parts white buttercream and transfer it to a Cake Mate piping bag with an open round tip. Repeat with the blue and purple Cake Mate Icing.
  4. Pipe a thick ring of each color around the cake. Use a large off set spatchula to smear the frosting on to the cake, allowing it to blend and marble. Scrape off the excess frosting and continue around the cake in one direction. Do not try to spread the frosting in an up and down direction, only go around the cake. Add more colored icing or white icing if there are any empty spots.
  5. Repeat on the top of the cake creating rings and then turning the cake to blend in the icing.
  6. Top with Cake Mate Cupcake Gems, Crystals, and Classic Pearls.
  7. When ready to serve, add the Cake Mate Easter Banner.


I know that my daughter was in love with this cake. It helps if you have a cake turntable to rotate your cake while you scrape the sided of the cake. Remember, only frost across the sides of the cake from right to left (or left to right) and not drag your spatchula in an up and down direction. Also, you aren’t going for perfect stripes around the cake. The beauty is in the imperfections, blending, and personality that each cake will have.

Be generous with the sprinkles. I poured some of each into a small bowl and just took pinches of the mix and sprinkled it over the cake. You can use a funnel to make a swirl on top with the sprinkles or simply scatter them on like I did.

Some of the products I used for this Galaxy Cake are

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Here’s a few more easy layered cakes

Mermaid Cake

Ribbon Cake

Hummingbird Cake

The post Girly Galaxy Cake Tuorial appeared first on Pint Sized Baker.

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