Erin Souder

Handpainted Tile Fireplace

I might have also posted about this ‘Stay Awhile’ Print yesterday too, but right now it’s living in my dining room until I get everything settled and decide where all the art is going to go. Regardless, we are here today for something totally different. Just take a LOOK at that fireplace! The tile that I hand painted is installed and I’m loving it.

I’ll have to admit, I did have a very big freakout moment about it. I text my friend Lacey who is a designer and was just like, “is this a huge mistake?” Luckily, she didn’t respond because she didn’t want to sway me one way or another. Smart girl.

I was up against a timeline with the carpet being installed and just had to make a decision. Since my design choices are usually very safe, I decided to throw caution to the wind, be daring, and go with my original plan to install the black and white patterned tile around the fireplace. I mean, it’s just a fireplace. And it’s not like the tile is a color explosion or anything. In between each glop of mastic and mortar, I was back and forth between excitement and dread.

After I finished installing it, I am so so glad I went ahead with my initial idea. The tile, although graphic and modern, fits so nicely into my classic victorian home, giving it a little character in an updated way. It isn’t unusual to see hand-painted or patterned tile in older homes anyway, so I feel like it works.

Although I don’t know that I would have the guts to do an entire room, I am so happy I took the plunge and tiled this little nook.

If you want to see the process of how I painted each tile plus some of the BEFORE PHOTOS you can see that here!

p.s. Tomorrow, we have a BIG fun post about summer fashion (for pregnant and non-pregnant people alike) with a pretty amazing extra offer for you guys! I can’t wait to share, so be sure to come on back!

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