Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins

So, in all honesty, I really don’t bake as much as I used to. I WANT to but I seriously have zero time. These days, I will bake the occasional batch of lactation cookies for the freezer (who knows if they really do anything but it’s an excuse to eat a chocolate chip cookie so I’ll take it), yeast raised waffles (I’m obsessed) and muffins for afternoons snacks. Grayson loves warm – they have to be warm! – muffins for a snack when he wakes up from his afternoon nap and I’d rather feed him a homemade treat than something processed from the store. We always have bananas laying around and this is a great way to use them up when they start to go on their last leg. I baked a big batch of these a few weeks ago to have on hand for snacks because they freeze great. We are heading down to Monterey this weekend to take the kids to the big aquarium and I’m planning on throwing a few (frozen!) into my diaper bag because you just never know. I know there’s about a thousand banana muffin recipes all over the internet but this is a (…)

The post Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins appeared first on Eat, Live, Run.

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