Eclectic Trends · Apr 1, 2016

My April Mood Board: How to Create a Color Mood Board

First, thank you so much for all the wonderful entries we received on the #StyleAtMineChallenge during March. The new mood board category is looking really great. I hope you are taking part during April and May as well and join in with new topics of your choice. Please read the challenge conditions at the end of the post. Don’t miss out, it comes with a couple of extra bonus again! Now, let’s see our April topic.

How to Create a Color Mood Board by Grouping

I have decided to take the opportunity of this post to define a new color palette for my living room. You see, I haven’t changed anything home in a long time. First, because I was basically never home traveling 150-200 days a year. Then because we wanted to move and I preferred to wait until seeing the new space.

To make a long story short, quite some time has passed and I decided recently to sell everything (except for a few objects that truly matter) and start from scratch. Pretty radical but I am longing for a total change of style. Working on the board has been much fun and I am ready to put a few changes pretty soon into action. That’s at the end what a mood board is meant for, right?

It’s an activator.

Ok, let’s start with

1// Deciding on a color range.

You can either

a) get inspired by several images of your choice and in a second step create a palette or

b) start with color right away and search then for the corresponding images that underline your idea of furniture objects and accessories to match your choice

In my case, I started with images and then translated them into this color palette:

AkzoNobel, Farrow&Ball, Auténtico Chalk Paint and Pantone were my helping me to define the palette.

If you have read the first post of this series, you will know by now I always start with a keywords search which is giving clarity on my project and help me to focus down. In a second step, I translate these keywords into moods, colors and concrete materials. My keywords here have been: nature, beach, earthy, feminine, soft, contrast, tanned leather, light.

2// Clustering of islands – Story Telling

Who said all colors and materials have to go inter-twined on one mood board? Working with islands and separating them is in fact a very effective story telling technique. By grouping several shades within one color, I can finally decide which works and which doesn’t of this blush & terra-cotta and teal & forest green story.

The way you present your color palette is up to you and very personal. Here you see a couple of close-ups and small stories you can already work on.

Images TL-BR: Hilde Mork | Farrow&Ball |Pantone | Fritz Net sofa | Anthropologie | Auténtico Chalk Paint | AkzoNobel

I am longing for some blush shades in my living room as well whether that will be through that absolutely amazing photography by Hilde Mork ( which you can get here) or an armchair. A sofa would be dreamy, too. I felt I needed some softer contrast to the dark green walls I am planning to use, too.

3// Work with some focal points

I am an earthy color lover, it actually all started with the beach image. That’s why it is the largest image on my board. And it’s all bout the mood here and not exactly related to the color scheme itself.

Images TL-BR: Jennifer Chong | AkzoNobel | NCS | Alexander van Berge Photography | Style du Monde | Borge Mogenson chair | Farrow&Ball

There are three ways you can work with focal points:

a// a larger size draws attention

b// your element has some unexpected volume or is the only 3D piece on your board

c// you work with an attention drawing color that stand out

In my case there are a couple of focal points: the darker green corner top left and larger beach images bottom right.

As a result, all four color moods on one board would look like this:

Other images: John Platt Photography | Gubi | Orozco Chaves Photography | Designlovefest | Modernize | Thonet

It made sense to me separating color and creating individual stories which then help me to define the final shades I am going to apply. But, if you prefer mixing a palette, that is totally fine, too.

If you want to learn some more techniques (there is a total of eight), you can always enroll in the How To Create A Well structured Mood Board ecourse which has been watched in more than 30 countries already (hooray!).

Here goes the April Bonus:

Upon purchasing you can get a free tips&tricks assessment by me on a mood board you are submitting where you can apply all learnings.

This is how it works:

  1. The ecourse can be purchased over here in the following 7 days (until April 07).
  2. The winner picked by random choice will be notified by at{mine} that he/she has won the one-on-one tips&tricks assessment on April 08.
  3. The tips&tricks winner notification contains new mood board delivery terms: The mood board needs to be submitted directly to me via email max. three weeks after the notification (until April 29).
  4. The tips&tricks assessment will be sent to the two winner by email until May 06.

If you have any questions, please drop me a line. Thank you! G, x

How about some extra inspiration?

My March Mood Board – Moody Mood Board
  • My March Mood Board
  • Moodboarding For Professionals – A workshop review
  • Color Inspiration n#4: Strawberry, Sand, Gray, Gold & Peach

    The post My April Mood Board: How to Create a Color Mood Board appeared first on Eclectic Trends.

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