Guess what? It’s Disney week here again! Actually, we came up with so many great ideas it ends up being about 9 whole days of fun new Disney Posts! We can’t wait to show you everything. We’re starting it all off with these super fun Disney Trip Fun Bags!
Are you doing a road trip or flying in a plane? Break up the trip into different “stops” along the way. If you’ll be road trippin’ you can break your trip up by the different cities you will be traveling through or special landmarks you may drive by. If you’ll be flying you can break your trip up by those stops. Arriving at the airport, flying high in the sky, once you start to land or once you get to the hotel. So many fun options that you can customize to your own travel plans.
We are all about making our Disneyland trips as magical as possible. So to put our bags together we grabbed these fun and bright yellow bags at Michaels. Download your tags HERE. Then print them as 5×7’s at home or send them to your favorite Photo Center (we always use Costco) Trim and attach to your bags with some ribbon!
Be sure to stop by all week to see what else we have to share. And you (for sure) don’t want to miss tomorrow because we have an AMAZING giveaway!! It may or may not involve a Disneyland Vacation! YAY!!