Elements of Style

Diffusing the Situation

image via Food52

Scent diffusers may remind you of the early 2000’s when they became super popular, but I think they are having a resurgence! Especially in my house- I have three going on right now- one next to my bed (lavender for relaxation), one in my guest room (to keep it smelling fresh even though it rarely gets used) and one in my closet. As much as I love scented candles, sometimes you don’t want to have to light one in order to get your house smelling yummy.

I’ve seen a lot of fragrance companies re-issuing diffusers, so I don’t think I’m alone! Here are some great looking ones to give a sniff:

1. // 2. // 3. // 4. // 5. // 6. // 7. // 8. // 9. // 10. // 11. // 12. //13. // 14. // 15.

The post Diffusing the Situation appeared first on Elements of Style Blog.

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