Roselynn Mercedes

Crumpet 40 Nail Art Ideas & The Lacquer Ring - Tropical Beach Nail Art

Purchased By Me & Press Sample (*)
Hiya guys! TGIF it's time for a long holiday weekend if you live in the States like I do. Are any of you guys heading to the beach? If so, I feel like I have the perfect manicure for you!

Apparently nail stuff is not like riding a bike, because a week away from the mani cave and I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Seriously this manicure was supposed to be fun and relatively simple, I planned on finishing up within an hour and a half. But this sunny little deceiving mani took me nearly three hours! RIP Rose.

I've had the idea for this manicure since probably last summer, but I never got around to getting it done until now. I'm so thrilled to finally have this out of my head and made into reality... now only 999 other mani ideas to go. Haha.

This manicure definitely relies heavily on the use of a clear stamper. Unless you're a nail goddess with placement skills using a normal stamper. That's definitely not this girl right here! Regardless of what stamper you use I do suggest using Yellow Stopper to help adhere the stamping to the nail. This has easily become one of the most useful stamping tips I have learned about, especially since I tend to record the process for you guys.

Here's a break down of everything I used to create this look:

  • Polishes: Pipedream Polish - Light of Day and 110 Degrees, Painted Polish - Midnight Mischief
  • Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster - BM-S405 and BM-S409
  • Liquid Latex: Mani Defender from Ellison's Organics (*)
  • Top Coat: Seche Vite

There is a nail art tutorial on this manicure that will be up shortly.

I hope you guys like this bright and summer fun mani! I've been wearing it a few days now and have received so many nice compliments... and also a lot of 'why isn't your other hand the same?' questions haha. Before you head out, be sure to check out the other ladies participating in this prompt!

An InLinkz Link-up

The Lacquer Ring round-up:
An InLinkz Link-up

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