Expat Make-Up Addict

My MAC lip liner collection

More of a pictorial post today than a straight review but it's in response to a request for a post about lip liners from one of the sweetest girls who reads my blog, Stephanie.

I have definitely gotten more and more into lip liners in the couple of years and have amassed a collection of MAC liners. My collection isn't exclusively MAC but I thought I would start with a MAC post as they represent the lions share and then do a follow up with my other liners if it's of interest.

By far I have most of the MAC Lip Pencils-there are a massive 41 shades in the range and they retail for $16.50/£12.50. The beauty of a lip pencil is you don't just need to use it to line your lips-often I fill in my whole lip then just add a gloss over the top. Of if you want a truly matte lip, filling the whole lip with the lip pencil is a great way to go.

My first ever MAC lip pencil was Spice and I was about 17! My 'going out' lip was always Spice liner all over the lips and then topped with a MAC purple glittery gloss (I wish I could remember the name but I am sure it's discontinued now). I was obsessed with the vanilla scent of the gloss and it's literally the scent of my late teens!

I actually do not think that the MAC Lip Pencils are the best out there. There's certainly something for everyone but I find the formula quite stiff and harsh to apply. I recommend blunting and warming the tip of the liner on the back of your hand before applying it. But once on they don't slip or slide around and they keep your lipstick inside the lines. My very favourites are Redd and Beet-perfect and necessary for nailing that bold lip.

But my favourite liners from MAC are the Pro Longwear ones. Slightly more expensive at $20/£15 but they're so worth it. Much creamier, they glide on the lips rather than drag like the lip pencils. The formula is softer yet still firm enough to draw a sharp line and the lasting power is incredible. But then everything I have tried from the Pro Longwear range is...the clue is in the name I guess. More to Love is my favourite and I always pair it with any bright pink I am wearing. I definitely want need to try more of these.

If you're looking to expand your make up repertoire by adding lip pencils then I definitely recommend MAC as a good place to start!

I'd love to know what your favourite lip liners are? Am always looking to be enabled!

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