Diana Mieczan

Beauty Tweak: Dewy Complexion

Let’s be honest, a cakey-foundation-look is never a good idea! It’s one of those things that can make you look tired and feel not-yourself! For that exact reason I mostly stay away from foundation and only wear it occasionally. Having said that, this might just change ever since I spotted Chriselle’s nifty little tip to a dewy makeup complexion in a jiffy.

Next time you're about to apply your foundation, mix in a few drops of your favourite oil to create the most hydrating, smooth and non-cakey coverage ever. I tried it yesterday for a dinner date and my skin looked fresh and summery! I’m definitely a fan!

Will you try it?

P.S: Pink eye makeup and the breeziest summer uniform.
P.P.S: Plus, the 'it' hair style this season.

(Tip via The Chriselle Factor. Photo via That Kind of Woman)
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