Nika Huk

how to wear unflattering shapes

There’s so much going on in this outfit, at least for the minimalist in me: an off-shoulder detail, stripes and fringe, exaggerated sleeves, a wide waist belt and red slingbacks to top it all off! Basically this post is about how to pull off something as unflattering as this striped shirt – it’s oversized but short, it has huge sleeves and a collar. It’s been hanging in my closet for over a year until I found a proper way to wear it. My answer is baring one shoulder and cinching the waist with a wide belt, that’s so trendy right now!

I actually love the result, what do you think?

I’m wearing:

Shirt – Chicwish (similar ones here and here)
Pants – Flynn Skye
Heels – Asos (similar ones here, here and here)
Bag – Camelia Roma
Belt – Asos


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