Fiber Flux

Free Crochet Pattern...Fun Finger Crochet Scarf for Kids!

The Fun Finger Crochet Scarf is the perfect project to keep little hands busy. Made with colorful sparkly yarn, it is fun and easy to work up, using just one super basic stitch. For those learning how to finger crochet, be sure to scroll down for a full video tutorial too!
Fun Finger Crochet Scarf By Jennifer Dickerson
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Here's what you'll need:
  • 1 ball super bulky yarn (yarn shown is Red Heart Boutique Twilight in the "Pixie" colorway)
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape (optional)
  • Your fingers!

Get yarn for this project here:
(affiliate link)
  • 4 inches wide
  • 72 inches long

Note: Sizing can vary slightly based on the size of crocheter's fingers.

Note: Use your index finger in place of a crochet hook. If you are unfamiliar with finger crocheting, be sure to check out the video below.
Ch 6 Row 1: In the second ch from your finger, work a sc. Work a sc in each ch across. Row 2: Ch 1 and turn. Work a sc in the first st and in each st across.
Repeat row 2 until scarf is desired length (or until you run out of yarn like I did!)

Fasten off and weave in yarn tails with your fingers.

Click below to a video tutorial on how to crochet the scarf stitch by stitch:

Happy crocheting lovelies!
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(Affiliate links, enjoy these awesome products and thanks as always for your support!)
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