Christina Griffiths

Tuesday Tutorial - Triple Flip Card

Hi Everybody,
This is s die with a difference and some of you may already have this in your crafting "Stash" ... it is the Triple Flip Card from Spellbinders and it makes a very pretty card. It is unusual because it only cuts on three sides and the fourth side is simply scored for you to fold and create the flips to decorate.
There is a lovely set of matching stamps to use with the die but I am only using the die for this tutorial. Please remember that the smallest die in any set if always #1 (Number One)

Spellbinders Supplies:

Other Supplies:


From white card I have cut and embossed a square base card with #8 6x6 Matting Basics A and I have hinged them together keeping the fold to the top
With the Triple Flip Card I have cut it once also in white and embossed the card for extra detail
From the patterned card I have cut and embossed three panels with #8 6x6 Matting Basics B
Add one of these patterned panels to the inside and the other to the front of the base card

With #1 and #2 from Victorian Medallions Three, and the white panel from the previous step, cut out the detailed shape.
Keep the centrepiece for the front of the card

Add this large detailed panel to the back of the Triple Flip Card by gluing on the outer edge of the frame so that the correct sides are facing out

(The picture shows you how it will look from the the back)
To the striped card I have placed #7 and #8 from 6x6 Matting Basics B and taped them in place

In the centre I have used dies #4 and #5 from the same set and taped them also.

Cut and emboss to bring out the detail

And this is what you will have. You need the two thin frames from the right of the photo and the solid piece on the left

Onto this solid panel I have stamped and heat embossed a verse and then added it to the middle flip section

Add the two thin frames to the largest and middle flips

With die #2 from Matting Basics B cut another panel for the top flip and add in the detailed square from the earlier steps

Decide which way round you wish your card to be ... I have kept all my hinges to the top of the card ... and add all the Triple Flip Card to the base
The middle flip contains my verse and the frames make it look as if there are a lot more layers.
To the lined inside I have added in an extra sentiment.

Wrap some ribbon around the top of the card and add in a shiny centrepiece for a special touch

And if you prefer to watch the tutorial you will find it in video format on my website ... here is the link for you Spellbinders Triple Flip Card

More tomorrow ...
Hugs xx
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