Emily Meyers

Wedding Hair: Retro Waves + a Compliment Giveaway

Hi there my people, hope you're having a great Thursday and all that, and I hope you really love this tutorial for today! I've been getting a lot of emails for a bridal look with curls and a retro vibe, and I think that this is a perfect addition to my wedding hair series, don't you?
After shooting this tutorial, I changed into some jeans and a cardigan and we all went out to dinner, so this is definitely another one of those looks that is easily worn on all sorts of different occasions! It's no more work than your average head of curls, except those few extra steps in styling it make it something extra special and unique. So I'll stop with the chatter and we can get started:
Tools & Supplies:
comb // heat protectent // pin curl clips // curling iron // hairspray

Steps 1-3: start by making sure your hair is smooth and free of tangles. use some argan oil serum to add more smoothness and shine (and it smells amazing!), and separate your hair into three vertical sections (1) leaving the bottom third out to curl first. Spray on some heat protectant, and treating your iron like a wand, wrap the hair around it in a downward angle, (2) sliding the curl off the iron with your other hand, and securing it to your head with a pin-curl clip. Once you're on the top tier, give yourself a deep side part and (3) tease the underside before curling.

Steps 4-6: (4) Remember to curl your hair away from the part on both sides. Each curl should be about a 2 inch section so your curls are thick and full. Once your head is all curled, (5) spray with hairspray and take the next 10-15 minutes to let them set. (6) Start taking your curls out, gently letting them fall into place from bottom to top.

Steps 7-9: (7) Comb the front bang section of your curls straight upwards and spray with hairspray. Laying your palm flat against your bangs, (8) brush them gently back down over your hand to create a soft wave. Gently comb the side with your part, (9) tucking it behind your ear and around to the other shoulder. gently comb your curls to smooth them together, spray your whole head once over, and you're all done!!

There's always a place to wear your hair like this, and it'll work with any length of hair just about! unless you have a pixie cut.haha Also a big part of keeping the curls in all day is letting them set, and it's something that I do often with my hair to keep a curl, but if you have hair to or above your shoulder-blades
and now onto the fun part!
I've been a huge fan of Melissa and her work at Shop Compliment for ages now, and I'm very excited to share her shop with you guys in a giveaway for $50 credit! I have a bunch of pieces from her at this point that I love and wear often, and this pair from the Kimberly Collection I knew were just right to feature in a wedding tutorial! With a different compliment in every box, I think these would be the perfect gift for bridesmaids, friends, sisters, or to yourself!:) a Rafflecopter giveaway
Well I hope you completed all the entries you could, and I hope you love this style! It's a favorite of mine (and martin's) for sure, and I hope that you give it a try as well and then come back to tell me how it went:)

I love the bohemian unkempt hair trends this year, but it'd refreshing to do something sleek and classy once in a while don't you think? Anyway's be sure and leave any thoughts or question you may have down in the comments section, and I hope you have a great day! Thanks for stoppin' by,

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