Office Style: Meet Anna

Office Style: Meet Anna

When she isn’t writing Free People’s quirky Instagram captions, our Social Media Assistant Anna is writing pieces on her personal blog.

“I recently had a closet clean-out à la Carrie Bradshaw in the first ‘Sex and the City’ movie and it was actually pretty enlightening. I will say that I’m more of a Charlotte (if we’re getting technical) but for closet cleaning purposes I borrowed Carrie’s persona.

My mom’s rule is to ‘throw out anything you haven’t worn in a month.’ My rule is to keep it all, because maybe I’ll find the time to hand-dye that nice white t-shirt I spilled red wine all over (I’m ambitious). However, it’s difficult to follow my rule when I live in a 400 square-foot studio apartment. I think I stubbornly admitted to myself that it was time to ‘cleanse’ when I noticed that every chair I owned was doubling as a dresser.

When I decide to do these things, I have to do them right away. If I wait, I’ll think about it, and then I’ll never do it. This is probably why I often find myself scrubbing my kitchen floor at 11:30pm on a random Tuesday. So, when I got home after work a few weeks ago and found that there was no place to sit in my apartment unless I wanted to sit on five layers of clothing, I decided that I needed to tackle the closet. Also my mom was coming to visit in a few weeks which explains most of that decision since I probably wouldn’t have minded sitting on top of all my clothes for a few more days.

‘Purging’ was both easier and harder than I thought it would be. Some things were easy to toss: the tight black skirt no one should have ever let me purchase; a neon yellow dress that somehow made me look paler than I already am. Those were simple decisions because I didn’t have that much emotional attachment to them, and I knew they just didn’t fit my style anymore.

Other things were harder. These things didn’t fit my style anymore, but they were important to me; the outfit I was wearing when I first met my boyfriend; a top I bought when I studied abroad; my first blazer (I went through an intense prep phase). At that point, those things weren’t meaningful because of the way they looked, they were important because of what was going on in my life when i got them, or because of what happened to me when I was wearing them.

I love clothes because clothes are obviously awesome, but I also love clothes because they’re little memories. At least that’s what I tell myself when I don’t want to throw something away.”

Ok, now that the closet’s clean, tell us how you’d describe your personal style…

This is hard. It’s changed so much in the past few years. But a little sporty, a little cozy, a little campy, with some chic pieces thrown in to elevate certain looks. I’m just as happy in Birks, socks, and a thrift store pullover as I am in a faux fur jacket or a sparkly dress. But I’m very much influenced by what people are wearing around me. My team (Creative Marketing) has crazy cool style, but everyone’s is totally different. I think I pull the ideas I like from what they’re wearing and put it into a mixing bowl and make my own look.

What makes you feel confident?

Dressing for myself and not for other people. Also, on a technical level, brow gel and perfume.

Who is your style icon?

Haley Nahman. She’s the Deputy Editor at Man Repeller. She can rock anything because she just decides that she’s going to.

What are your beauty wellness must-haves?

Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum — that stuff is a magic potion. Also January Labs Renew Mask. I have extremely dry skin and this stuff gets dryness under control overnight.

If you had to wear one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This Eddie Bauer jean jacket from the 80s that I ‘borrowed’ from my mom’s closet. And sneakers. I love sneakers.

Your favorite (upcoming) trend…

I like this barrette thing that’s happening. But I also think you should just wear whatever you want whenever you want to.

What’s in your shopping cart?

We The Free Be Free Tunic in Black
Grandpa Crew Neck Sweater in Firewood Combo
Anick Sneaker in Bronze Combo
Tie Dye Flight Suit
On A Boat Sweater Dress in Black
Lazy Daze Hacci Skirt Set in Mimosa
Haven Cozy Crew Sock (I’m only missing one color for my collection)
Voir Rhythm Of The Rain Hair Mask (this is my third bottle – it’s amazing)

Follow Anna on Instagram or read her blog.

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