Sarah Barton

The Body Shop // Make Up Thoughts

Used: All in one Instablur primer Body Shop Fresh Nude Foundation in 'Sahara Light 03 Lightening and Darkening shade adjusting drops Eyebrow brow and liner kit, Liquid skinny felt eyeliner: Cheek and Lip Stain in 'dusty rose 037': Concealer shade 02 Honey Bronze highlighting dome '01' Clear brow and lash Gel All from The Body Shop
The Body Shop are, to be, the place to go for body butters, body accessories and the like. After all, the clue is in the name. I've always heard recommendations for their make up brushes and makeup, but to be honest I've never really had a good look at their offerings, as I usually tend to float around Boots or beauty halls to discover new make up. However, the Body Shop recently sent me a few of their products to try, and I'm left wondering why I hadn't bothered to check them out sooner!
I'll start with the foundation. Now, I have a lot of acne scars that I like to cover, but I hate a heavy looking finish. This foundation errs on the side of a matte finish (though somehow still very natural looking) and has a sheer coverage that is very buildable. However, for me it does tend to transfer, and turn shiny quickly for me unless I've properly set it with powder and setting spray - In which case I'd say its possibly better for those with dryer skin. I do adore it, but I don't really want to have to spend extra time setting day-to-day, so its one for evenings and weekends for me. Whilst on the foundation side of things, I must mention the shade adjusting drops. I'm sure many people struggle to get a perfect foundation match, but this makes it so much easier as well as being pretty handy to create a quick contour and highlight shade. I finished off with a touch of the cheek and lip stain as a blush, and a lip stain, as well as using all of the products listed above!
To save me waffling on for hours about my new discovery of Body Shop make up, I'm just going to tell you my absolute favourites. The things you absolutely need, and I will definitely be buying them again once I've run out. The rest I can kind of live without, I suppose.
// All in one Instablur primer £10 - This is simply exactly what it says it is, a base that blurs pores and creates a smooth base for foundation. On parr with Benefits Porefessional, if you ask me! // Honey Bronze highlighting dome £8 - I've no idea how I haven't heard of this earlier. It reminds me a little of Benefits Whats App, but it doesn't drag foundation and it costs less than half of the Benefit offering. Its actually a gorgeous subtle highlight that I've been reaching for a lot on a day to day basis. // Brow and Lash gel £10 - I've used something like this before but found it very 'wet,' so never bothered to try anything similar again. I prefer this exclusively on my brows, to set eyebrow make up and to hold my eyebrows in place. My right eyebrow has a mind of its own, seriously. This helps, without looking obvious. // Skinny felt eyeliner £10 - One of the longest lasting, blackest, and easy to apply eyeliners I've ever tried. I've already bought another one as a back up. Seriously! // Shade adjusting drops £10 - I've already mentioned these. I'm pretty sure they'll last forever as the tiniest drop is needed to change a foundation shade, but I'm impressed!
Have you tried any make up from The Body Shop? Would love to know if theres anything else I should be trying! Sarah xx

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