GALLA. · Sep 19, 2015

Express Affair

FEATURED: Express Tuxedo & stretch cotton shirt

In the brief moments I’m back in the city, between my trips, I have a ton of content and outfits to shoot so here’s one of the first for the season! I know as of late I haven’t been focusing so much on menswear but after receiving the ‘Best Menswear blog of 2015′ award this past weekend at the Bloglovin awards, it really ignited my passion to jump into it again. (BIG THANK YOU BTW!) So I thought what better than to start with a tuxedo? I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, EXPRESS has some of the best affordable yet stylish suits on the market. From single button to double breasted, and a variety of up-and-coming fall colors, I would start there if you’re a beginner. I went ahead and dressed up my tux with some reflective designer shades, a chrome watch and the crowd pleasing bowtie. Perfect for any black tie affair, or formal get together you’ll instantly be the ‘James Bond’ on site. If you’re looking to dabble into more suiting then click HERE. make sure to check out Express latest pieces HERE photos: Nick Pierce GALLA
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