Re: Jurgen Heesch

I have a Claus Heesch from Wilster, Schleswig-Holstein. He was born 9 Nov 1846 and settled in Iowa. His wife was from Dithmarschen. I have no idea about his parents, but there must be church records of a baptism, or something. I know that all the Heesches came from Schleswig-Holstein and have been there for hundreds of years. It seems they came as settlers from Heesch, Holland at the invitation of the ruler of Schleswig-Holstein. I am sure that is where the name came from, and there is a record of a "Dutch Well" near Wilster. If anyone can link my Heesch ancestors, especially Claus to his Heesch relatives in Germany, I would really appreciate it. I have a lot of information on his descendants.
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