Ali Martin | Gimme Some Oven

The Most Amazing Salted Dark Chocolate Tart

Seriously the most amazing Salted Dark Chocolate Tart recipe that I’ve ever tried. It’s incredibly quick and easy to prep, made with healthier ingredients, and tastes ultra-decadent and delicious.

Meet…the salted dark chocolate tart of your dreams. ? ? ?

I’m not kidding. I’ve made countless rich, decadent, creamy, dreamy chocolately desserts over the years. And I’ve gotta say that this recipe has recently swooped in to win the award for the easiest-to-make chocolate dessert in my little recipe box. And also, arguably the most delicious. (My distinguished panel of taste-testing friends here in Barcelona all agree too.)

Bonus? It also happens to be naturally gluten-free, thanks to a simple chocolate-maple-almond crust. It’s also heavy-cream-free, made instead with a simple can of coconut milk. It calls for just 10 easy minutes of baking time in the oven, followed by an hour or two to chill in the fridge. And oh my heavens…is it decadently delicious. And pretty much guaranteed to make you swoon this Valentine’s Day. Or, you know, any day that you need your chocolate fix.

So gather up a bunch of your favorite dark chocolate bars, and let’s get to baking.


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