Ali Martin | Gimme Some Oven

My Favorite Vegetable Soup

My favorite vegetable soup recipe that’s easy to make and full of fresh veggies. Perfect for when you need to hit the reset button after the holidays, vacation, or anytime you’re craving some light and healthy comfort food.

Meet my favorite, modern, feel-good vegetable soup recipe. ♡♡♡

For years and years, it has been the soup I’ve turned to anytime I’m craving a healthy reset. Because really, it’s just one huge pot of nutritious veggies!

I tend to use a base mix of sweet potatoes, red pepper, carrots, celery and baby spinach in my veggie soup. But this is a fantastic recipe for cleaning out the crisper drawer, so feel free to add in whatever fresh (or frozen!) soup-friendly veggies that you happen to have on hand. This veggie soup recipe also features a simple tomato-herb broth that is made with everyday pantry essentials, so it’s easy to whip up on the fly. I also prefer to make this soup without the usual pasta, beans, or meat add-ins, which keeps it nice and light yet still plenty hearty and filling. But mostly, I just love this soup because it’s so cozy and delicious.

It’s the perfect recipe to help you get back on track after a vacation, the holidays, or anytime you need some extra veggies in your life. So round up whatever veggies happen to be hanging out in your kitchen right now, and let’s make some vegetable soup!


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