Gina Michele

Flat Knit Swirl Hat Free Knitting Pattern

This medium weight hat is perfect for fall days! The swirl pattern adds visual interest and the tweed colors as perfect for this time of year. This is a relatively easy hat to knit- just make sure you keep track of the rows. This Swirl Hat knitting pattern looks complicated, but it's actually really easy! It's knit on straight needles, side to side. The increases and decreases at the ends create a horizontal shape. When you bring the ends together and sew the seam, a swirl pattern is created. The stitches are then picked up on either straight, circular or double point needles to knit the brim.
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Scroll down for the pattern or click below to buy the ad-free, printable version for a small fee. The printable version is an instant download that conveniently prints on 1 page.

Yarn: Lion Brand Tweed in Woodlands
Needles: Size 8 straight
Free Knitting Pattern
(note: Hat is knit from side to side. The swirl shape is created when it is seamed)
Cast on 28 sts.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Purl first 2 sts together, purl to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: Purl first 2 sts together, purl to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch
Row 5: Knit
Row 6: Purl first 2 sts together, purl to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch
Row 7: Purl
Row 8: Knit first 2 sts together, knit to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch
Row 9: Purl
Row 10: Knit first 2 sts together, knit to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch
Row 11: Purl
Row 12: Knit first 2 sts together, knit to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch
Repeat these 12 rows, 9 times. Bind off.
Pick up the 108 stitches on the bottom using either straight, double pointed or circular needles. K 2 sts, K 2 together across the 1st round (82 sts) and 2nd round (62 sts) Work in K1, P1 ribbing for 3 inches. Bind off.

Finishing- Sew the side seam. Using a yarn needle, run a stitch around the top of the hat and pull to gather. Weave in ends.

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