
30 Curly Hairstyles in 30 Days – Day 28

The fourth week of my 30 Curly Hairstyles in 30 Days hair challenge has come to a close.

The good news is that there’s a little something extra for you!

Just like Day 7, Day 14 and Day 21, we’ll mark the end of the week with a bonus hairstyle!

There’s also only two days left before my new ebook launches! Check out the special pre-order sale at the end of this post just for you.

First, let’s look at both styles for Day 28 of my #curlyhairromancechallenge.

30 Curly Hairstyles in 30 Days – Day 28 – Part 1 – Dutch braids two ways

30 Curly Hairstyles in 30 Days – Day 28 – Part 2 – Dutch braids two ways

Dutch braids will always be my fave braids in curly hair. They stand out more than French braids, and my hair is always too knotty for fishtail braids.

Dutch braids are the reverse of French braids and so they stand out on your hair. The secret is to stretch them out to make your hair look thicker!

Want to learn the techniques and secrets behind all my curly hairstyles? My new ebook, 30 Curly Hairstyles in 30 Days, is only days away!

Be the first to receive my new ebook by pre-ordering your copy now!

In my new ebook, you’ll learn the tips to master over 36 new hairstyles in your own hair. There are styles for everyday as well as party and event hairstyles for all occasions. I also share my curly hair routine and curl styling tips. It’s like having me in your pocket to help you get ready in the morning.

Click here to pre-order your copy now.

By pre-ordering now, you’ll be the first to get a copy before it is launched on April 28. Plus you’ll secure the very limited pre-launch price, saving you 33%!

Thank you so much for following along with my hair challenge! I hope it has inspired you to put down the straightener and try a new style in your curls.

The post 30 Curly Hairstyles in 30 Days – Day 28 appeared first on Hair Romance.

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