Harper & Harley

harperandharley.com · Jan 6, 2016

How To Style Neutrals

When styling neutrals, like this khaki skirt, it’s easiest to go with a fresh white or black.

Wearing: Bassike white t-shirt, Albus Lumen khaki skirt, Gucci Dionysus bag, Splice sandals, Le Specs sunglasses

As you already have a ‘colour’ green in the outfit, although a natural tone, its best to work it with a neutral like black or white than introducing another colour.

As I’ve mentioned before, but a while back now, I have a three colour rule, where my outfits usually consist of just three colours. If you live by this rule then getting dressed in the morning is going to get a whole lot easier! You also might be doing this already and don’t even realise, but take note, the best and simplest outfit consist of just 3 colours.

Photos by Ana Suntay-Tanedo


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