Car Activities for Toddlers

We recently took an 8 hour road trip with M. To entertain him we brought along a couple books, one toy cars and an iPad. If you have traveled a lot with a toddler you are probably laughing at our serious lack of toddler entertainment. Needless to say, we spent about 5 minutes on the books, 5 minutes on the toy and the remaining awake time watching shows on the iPad. I’m not opposed to letting M watch the iPad, but I love the idea of amusing him with more hands-on activities as well. In the future I think M will enjoy all the educational apps available, but at 17 months he isn’t quite ready for them. I’ve gathered a list of fun non-iPad ways to entertain a toddler in the car.

Side note: If you are an Apple user every Thursday the App store has a free app of the week. Most of the time the app is kid related. Even if your little one is too young for the app you should still download it then delete it from your device. Once the app has been downloaded it is stored in your purchase history so when your child is old enough you can download it again. Mr. Ice Cream and I have been downloading the free apps for years and now have quite a collection of great kid content for when M is old enough.

1) Themed Felt Bags

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