Hey Wanderer

Mini Cactus Christmas Tree DIY

Have you stopped breathing because of the adorableness of the above scene?! Call the ambulanceThis is one of my favorite DIYs we've ever done. We did this giant cactus Christmas tree last year and I freaking love it! But it's huge and not everyone has room for something that large. Also, it was a little more involved and Savannah figured out a way to make these smaller ones and it's super easy inexpensive to make!

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You can watch all about it in the video below. Today is the first day of Vlogmas on You Tube and this our gift to you. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow along with this Vlogmas mania. A video coming to ya everyday from Dec 1-24. We've gone mad!
And if you don't wanna mess with any of this you can buy a full-size Cactus Christmas Tree all for yourself already made here

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Supplies you will need:
- 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe (the size used for the silver cactus)
- 3/4 inch PVC pipe (smaller gold cactus)
- 2 elbows 1 1/4 inch or 3/4 inch
- 2 T fittings 1 1/4 inch or 3/4 inch
- pot
- rocks
- garland silver /gold / green
- copper lights
- white christmas lights
- colored christmas lights
- PVC cutter

Thanks for stopping by! We home you've enjoyed this DIY as much as we do. Merry Christmas :)
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