Faux Barn Wood Painting DIY Tutorial!

Okay guys, are you ready to revisit the Faux Barn Wood Painting tutorial!?... I ask if you're ready, because there are about a trillion photos. ha! Even though this process is SO easy, and relatively quick... I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss anything important that you may need to know, when attempting this barn wood look on your own.

If you remember from this post from our last house where we custom built this worktable around two Ikea draw units...then you now that this is where we used our barn wood painting technique.

At this point, if you're not into the whole "barn wood look", then you can just stain it, or paint it whatever color you want! But I love to mix different styles together, especially when they're close to each other, to add visual interest, so I went all barn-wood-crazy on this tabletops be-hind! :)
I'm admitting right now, I am NOT a furniture refinisher/painter. It's just NOT a skill that I pretend to posses. I mean... I'll paint a small table, or an occasional frame, but I actually have most of our large furniture sent to my friend Sausha who sprays everything flawlessly, when I need something refinished really well. I tell you this because there is NOTHING technical about how I came up with this finish. I was just messing around in the garage, pulling out cans of whatever I had on hand, until my scrap piece of wood looked juuuust right :)
I've broken this tutorial down into 4 main steps, so it's easier to follow. But the great thing about this painting technique is that it can really vary in color however you'd like! Darker, lighter, more or less 'distressed' looking. Just play around with it and have fun!
READ THE REST OF THIS POST >>> *** original post via TheHouseofSmiths.com ***
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