How Sweet It Is · Aug 25, 2016

Blueberry Mojitos with Lavender Syrup.

Don’t we all want to drink something that’s hot pinky purple?!

Yes forever. Obviously.

Happy thirsty Thursday! I feel like I’m in college calling it that. And not in a good way. Is it still called that? Am I in an ever-spinning early 2000’s time machine? My spotify tells me yes. So do my dance moves.

Sooo. The lavender. I have to tell you something funny. But not funny. But funny to me.

I decided to make these blueberry mojitos to go with our dinner (which happened to be an awesome one-pot chicken and rice dish!) – or should I say, as a little cocktail before dinner. Max was playing with a piece of paper that he had been coloring with earlier, and he was playing so quietly and nicely, intently even. I went about my merry way and went to grab the lavender I had leftover from the syrup on the table to garnish the drink, and… it was gone.


I found my little bug sitting on the floor pulling off every.single.lavender flower. Like every single one. Like he was sitting in a pile of teeeeeny purple leaves and smelled like a mix between an old lady and a heavily overdosed bath and body works store.

And he was so proud. Super proud. So happy. He looked up at me with these big eyes that were all “look what I did!” And a huge cheesy grin.

I had tossed a few lavender flowers from my pitiful herb garden into my syrup a few hours earlier, saving three sprigs for the garnish of these drinks. Whomp whomp. No can do now.

So I ran outside and found these other little purple flowers that spring up from a perennial fern thing we have outside. Last year I had mistaken them from lavender from a few feet away, not noticing that it wasn’t *exactly* lavender until I was up close. Figured it was close enough, so we could have a touch of purple in our cocktail. WINNING.

Max on the other hand has smelled of fresh flowers ever since.

Well. You know. I bathe him.

Lavender flavoring isn’t a new thing here (I’ve done ice cream, popcorn and scones!) but I had yet to make my own cocktail with it. Especially when fresh from my own garden! For the syrup, I used a spoonful of dried culinary lavender mixed with a little of my own fresh garden lav to intensify the flavor. There is something about sugar and lavender together that I just ADORE.

Adore adore adore.

It surprises me, because I’ve never been a floral person. I mean, sure, I like flowers and love to have them as home décor. But I have fairly intense seasonal allergies that can also be easily triggered by super flowery scents. I will always choose warm vanilla, amber and musk over rose, gardenia or lilac when it comes to perfume.

And that whole situation just left me feeling like floral-scented or floral-flavored treats delivered the same response as when I accidentally sprayed perfume, walked thorugh and TASTED it. No no.

But ever since my first vanilla lavender combo, I’ve been hooked. I absolutely love what lavender does to food and drink. It’s dreamy. The scent reminds me of an ice cream shop, oddly enough.

Even though I had to keep the lavender a secret from Eddie before he tasted the drink (he would NEVER consume it if he knew), he ended up loving these too. Not only is the blueberry a great compliment to the lavender, the fresh mint adds a lovely little herbal but fresh taste too. It works so well.

Whyyyy are mojitos so good?! It’s still summer, FYI!

Blueberry Mojitos with Lavender Syrup

Yield: makes 1 drink, is easily multiplied

Total Time:

20 minutes


  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 2 1/2 ounces of lavender simple syrup (recipe below)
  • a handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 1/2 ounce of white rum
  • 1 1/2 ounces of club soda
  • the juice of one lime

lavender simple syrup

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 teaspoons dried culinary lavender
  • 2 sprigs fresh lavender


Place the blueberries in a small saucepan with 1 tablespoon of water. Heat over medium-low heat until the berries burst and become liquidy. Transfer the mixture to a blender or food processor and blend until pureed and smooth. You can strain this mixture through a fine mesh sieve if desired, but I don't mind any little flecks of blueberry.

Add 2 tablespoons of the blueberry puree in the bottom of the glass. Add the lavender syrup and stir. Add the fresh mint leaves and muddle them in the bottom of the glass. Add ice to the glass, and pour rum, soda and lime juice. Mix with a long spoon or knife and serve with an additional sprig of mint.

lavender simple syrup

Place the sugar, water and lavender in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Whisk until the sugar dissolves, bringing the mixture to a simmer. Cook for 1 minute. Turn off the heat and set the saucepan aside. Let it cool completely. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove the lavender. Store in a sealed container in the fridge!

Be sure to follow howsweeteats on instagram and tag your recipes with #howsweeteats! You can also post a photo of your recipe to the howsweeteats facebook page. I appreciate you so much!

Long live it.

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