
Build a Fixer Upper Style MODERN Barn Door

We are so excited to welcome our guest, Angela Rose, who is here to show us how to build a fixer upper style MODERN barn door– have you ever thought about trying something like this? Angela shares her awesome home projects on instagram @angelarosehome so go follow and see even more stunning ideas! Take it away, Angela!

Who doesn’t love a Barn Door?

Functional and beautiful. I love barn doors, but wanted one with a MODERN look instead of the more common rustic look. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find a modern door at an affordable price. So, when I found an inspiration picture of Fixer Upper Joanna Gaines’ barn door, I knew I needed to come up with the plans to build one just like it!

So, I busted out my pencil and paper figured out how to create a MODERN BARN DOOR for $120.

Measure for your door

To measure for your barn door, measure your door opening width and height. Think about how much of an overlap you want over the opening (standard is around 2 inches, but it’s personal preference).

So, for the total barn door width you will add:

Door opening width 2 in (overlap) 2 in (overlap)=total width of your barn door

For the total barn door height you will add:

Door opening height 2 in (overlap)=total height of your barn door

Buy your materials

I went to my Home Depot and picked up (and had cut) all these materials in under 20 minutes. Here’s what you’ll grab in the lumber section.

¾ in thick mdf/plywood 4 ft x 8 ft sheet: this is your main barn door.

Have them cut this to your desired door size (if you want to trim it out like mine, subtract 1.5 in from the width and height of your door before cutting to accommodate the trim boards)

ex. A desired door of 40in x 80 in, you’d have the mdf/plywood cut to 38.5in x 78.5in.

(10) 3.5 in wide x 8 ft long primed mdf: I picked up 10 of these suckers for the front diagonal pieces

(3) 1x2x8 select pine boards: for the edge door trim if desired

Other materials:

Wood glue or adhesive (to glue diagonal boards)

Finishing nails (only needed around frame and, if it’s helpful, on the diagonal front pieces)

Spackle (for nail holes)


Barn door hardware: I used this one

*I used this paint sprayer and this spray shelter

Build your door!

I started out by finding the middle of my door, and marking it with a straight line across. (helpful tip: clamping an extra board across the middle makes it easier to line up your boards and keep them straight while cutting and gluing). After finding the middle of my board, I laid out my first diagonal board.

Take a pencil and trace the edge of the door on your board so you know where to cut it. All your cuts will be at a 45 degree angle. Once your board is cut, glue and nail it in place (or glue and clamp)

Use a spacer to keep gaps consistent(I used 2 paint stir sticks taped together), and lay out your next board. Do the same thing by tracing the door edge onto your board…cutting…then gluing and nailing your boards down. Continue on the entire upper half.

After finishing the top half, repeat the same thing on the bottom half.

Once all your diagonal lines are finished, take your 1x2x8 pine boards and cut them to fit around the edge of your door. Secure with glue and finishing nails.

(helpful tip: sometimes it’s easier to paint the mdf door part and edges first so you don’t have to get in all those cracks once it’s assembled)

Finishing your door

Fill your nail holes with spackle, and sand over any rough spots. Paint your door with your favorite color!

*I used this paint sprayer and this spray shelter

Hang your door

Follow the instructions on your barn door hardware for hanging instructions. Make sure you get hardware that accommodates a door thickness of 1.5 inches and 200 lbs for safety. Here is the hardware I got.

Enjoy your custom modern barn door!

Angela is an avid DIYer and project junkie. She loves tools, the lumber aisle, and interior design. She’s been building furniture and improving her homes for 10 years. She is also a mom of 3 and graduated with a degree in communications and business. To see more of Angela’s home projects, find her on instagram at @angelarosehome.

The post Build a Fixer Upper Style MODERN Barn Door appeared first on How Does She.

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