
DIY SWEETS | Homemade Sprinkles

Happy Fri-YAY! What better way to celebrate the start of the weekend than with sweets! I had no idea you could make your own sprinkles until my friend Alexis, from Yield Bakehouse, showed me how simple they are to whip up. Imagine the color combinations! It’s the perfect way to add a personal touch to cupcakes or your next sundae. And trust, the homemade ones are way more delish than store-bought. Ingredients and recipe after the break…

What’ll You’ll Need: • gel food coloring • 4 cups powdered sugar • 3 tablespoons meringue powder • 6 tablespoons water • Wilton round piping tip 3A • piping bags • parchment paper • stand or hand mixer • sprinkle bottle (optional) What to do: 1.) Start by laying out a large piece(s) of parchment paper on a counter or other flat surface. 2.) Add the powdered sugar, meringue powder, and water to a bowl. Mix together on low for 7-10 minutes, until the royal icing forms stiff peaks. 3.) Once done, divide the icing into thirds, and dye with your choice of colors. Fit a piping bag with the number 3 tip and add the first color to the bag. (Note: we did some colors two toned. To do so just pipe a few rows of one color, put any excess back in the same bowl, and add more color to darken. Place it back into the bag and pipe again.) 4.) With the piping tip touching the parchment, slowly glide it along, piping out lines of icing. The lines can be as long or as short as you’d like. When done with one color, fill a second bag and repeat this step. 5.) Leave out for at least 8 hours to harden. Once dry, use a sharp knife to chop the lines into short, cute sprinkles! 6.) To keep fresh, place an air tight container or ziploc bag. Or in super cute retro sprinkle bottles! (Now excuse me while I go make cupcakes to put these on!)
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