
MY DIY | Triangle Wire Bracelet

Last week I posted my new DIY wire bracelet on Instagam, and had some readers request a tutorial…ask and you shall receive! I made a similar heart wire bracelet a while back and wore it everyday until one day it sadly disappeared. I was brainstorming a triangle version for while, and after a few tries, the idea in my head took shape. Warning: this one takes some practice! Steps and supplies after the break…

What you need:
16 Gauge Half Round Half Hard 14/20 Gold Filled Wire – 5FT
Jewelry pliers

What to do:
First clamp down on your wire with a flat pliers, leaving at least 2 inches of excess.
Bend your wire on each side of the pliers to create the base of the triangle.
Bring the two ends together to create the tip of the triangle.
Next, holding on to the triangle to keep the shape, curve the doubled wires to fit your wrist,
Pinch the doubled wire with the pliers, and wrap the loose end around the other wire twice. Use an additional pliers if needed. To create the hook, bend the other end of the wire so it’s doubled up as least 2 inches Bend again a half an inch down to create the hook Wrap the excess around the base of the bracelet 2 times and trim the excess. Mold to fit your wrist. Done!

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