Abby Mullins

Fridge Snack Drawer Organization Hack for Kids

Have kids? This fridge snack drawer organization hack is the perfect solution for easy-access to healthy foods at kid-height!

A Fridge Fiasco

We’ve had a snack drawer in our fridge since my oldest was a toddler. It was easy to pull open a lower drawer and dump in all the kid-friendly snacks we had on hand. As we’ve had more children, the snack drawer has only grown. I’d simply come home from the grocery store with yogurt, string cheese, and squeezable applesauces and dump it all into the drawer.

Key word: DUMP.

Our fridge snack drawer had zero organization. This led to a few problems.

  1. The packaging of some food would puncture the packaging of another food causing messy leaks.
  2. I never easily knew what we had on hand and what needed replenishing at the grocery store because items would be hidden beneath others.
  3. My kids had to dig through a pile of snacks to get through to something that was located on the bottom of the pile, often causing Problem #1.

The Solution

Of course, all of these problems are easily avoidable with the proper storage solution in place. It took the viral Self-Serve Snack Fridge that Sarah from The Eager Teacher shared to give me an ah-ha moment, though. Sarah organized her side-by-side to give her own children easy access to refrigerated snacks using containers and clear bins. BRILLIANT! I could easily adapt this fridge snack drawer organization hack to my own french drawer refrigerator!

The results have been so pleasing – organizationally and aesthetically!

My kids access this drawer multiple times a day. Now, they can easily see what we have on hand for snacking, and I can see what I need to add to our grocery list. A major win-win!

Just so you know, I purchased my bins at Homegoods. However, there are very similar options available on Amazon which I’ve linked below. (The ones shown easily fit into the large bottom drawer of my french door fridge.)

I’m all about anything that makes life easier in our home. I hope you, too, give this fridge snack drawer organization hack a try! And, be sure to share you results with Sarah over at The Eager Teacher on Instagram!

Fridge Storage Containers

Click HERE or the graphic below to shop!

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The post Fridge Snack Drawer Organization Hack for Kids appeared first on Babbling Abby.

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