25 Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes from August 2014 (Gluten-Free, South Beach, Paleo, Whole 30)

Twenty-Five Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes from August 2014, from Kalyn's Kitchen and my favorite blogs.

When I announced the plan to change my monthly round-up so it was not strictly South Beach and more inclusive of other types of low-carb eating plans, I wasn't sure how people would like it. But now I'm excited and encouraged about the change because last month's low-carb round-up has been seen by nearly four times as many people as usual, and people are still using it every day. And expanding the low-carb options and sharing 25 Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes has been a fun change for me too; this month I discovered a couple of new-to-me blogs that are being featured in this round-up. If you're someone who's making lower-carb eating choices whatever the reason, I hope you'll find at least a couple of new recipe ideas here.
All photos are from the blog that's linked to the recipe; see after each photo for my notes about what types of eating plan I think that dish is suitable for. (You can use the label Monthly Low-Carb Recipe Round-Up to visit all these round-up posts, or see my Pinterest board for Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes for more featured low-carb recipes.) Enjoy!
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