
kassinka.com · Jan 6, 2016

Half-up Pull Through Braid Hair Tutorial

Your hair is your best accessory.
I am back with another gorgeous simple styling option to help you always feel your best & look amazing. Read the steps below and then let me know in the comments which hairstyle you’d like to see next?
Luxy Hair Extensions
use this code for $5 off: LUXYKASSINKA

Follow the full tutorial below <3
Staring with my hair half up just with a black elastic & my full set of Luxy Hair Extensions
I added two tight three stand braids from the side.
Taking these braids I wrapped them around my ponytail & pinned it in place underneath.
Just something simple to hide the elastic!
Then with the hair gathered in my ponytail I started a pull through braid by splitting the ponytail in half then taking the bottom section and splitting it in half again and wrapping it around the front and secured with a elastic.
Honestly its super simple & I am currently working on a video to help explain!
Thanks for reading xox
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