Kate La Vie

katelavie.com · Jun 5, 2016

My Makeup Collection!

I think looking at perfectly displayed makeup is my favourite pastime. It just fills me with joy! I’ve spent a while perfecting my makeup collection, so I thought I’d (finally!) share the results with you.

My makeup table is this dreamy mint Mid-Century number from West Elm, which I’ve paired with their brass hexagon mirror. If you remember, I had a big white dressing table from IKEA previously, so choosing something much smaller and brighter was a bold move! I’m really happy I chose mint instead of white, it’s so refreshing and it looks great with the brass.

I also have some IKEA Alex drawers along the other wall, which hold a lot of my makeup. I’ve filled these and my dressing table with MUJI drawer dividers to make use of the space, so it’s easy to find everything! It looks very neat and organised… basically, I start panting when I look at it.

My lipstick drawer is overflowing, but I promise this is as streamlined as I can do it! I just love lipstick… okay, I love all makeup. I am a makeup hoarder.

I know it’s not technically *makeup* (is it? Nail polish isn’t makeup, is it? No, it’s not. Okay, case closed) but I included a sneaky shot of my Essie drawer. If you don’t have a whole drawer purely for Essie polishes, then what’s the point? What’s this all been about? Seriously though, I could look at it all day.

I’ve filmed a full collection video for you, so you

can watch that here, but I wanted to include some snaps on here too. It’s fun to do both!

Also, if you’re looking for some makeup storing tips, I have a video

on that here! It’s one of my favourite videos ever!

What do you think of my setup?

The post My Makeup Collection! appeared first on KATE LA VIE.

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