Casey Martin

My Favorite Places in the USA (so far…)

While I’ve seen a lot of the world, I’m still a huge proponent of seeing my own country of the USA as well. And each year, Nick and I make a real effort to explore as much of the US as we can in addition to our overseas trips. We still have a lot of places to see (and next year are going to be focusing on a bunch more!), but so far I’ve been to 32 states and countless cities and I plan to expand on that in the coming years. There is nothing more important than seeing your own country, than witnessing how life is different in different places, how people think differently about different issues and how it changes your perspective of your own country to witness that. So while I have a lot of places left so see, here are some of my favorite places in the USA so far in my journey and places that have touched me deeply within the borders of the United States in hopes that you might want to explore more of the amazing country that is the USA.

*Note: While I’ve liked a ton of places in the USA, I’m limiting this list to the places that I’ve LOVED!

Portland (and Oregon in general)

My home city of Portland is a pretty special place and my home state of Oregon is still, in my opinion, a hidden gem in the USA. I’ve seen incredible places all around the world, but I still have to say, Oregon rivals incredible beauty anywhere in the world. You’ll find more green here than almost anywhere else, amazing food and views that will leave you breathless.

For more, read my:

Portland posts


I fell in love with Vermont when we visited in the Autumn a couple years ago and we already have plans to return again in the Fall next year to take in the beauty all over again. As we drove through Vermont on a lovely October day, I told Nick that someday when we retire, I could see myself having a little horse farm in the hills of Vermont – that’s how much I loved it. Vermont has a beauty unlike anywhere else and the colors in the Fall were so surreal, we kept remarking that this couldn’t possibly be real life. You’ll find perfect little storybook towns, rolling hills of foliage and incredible landscapes in the beauty that is Vermont.

For more, read my:

Vermont posts

Charleston, South Carolina

I fell hard for Charleston when we visited for the first time earlier this year and I know we’ll back many times in the future. To be honest, if we were in the market to move, I would move to Charleston – it was that special! From the kindness of the locals to the amazing food and the incredible architecture, Charleston is one of a kind in the USA and makes you feel like you’re somewhere totally different. You’ll find incredible Southern food, rainbow colored houses and cobblestone streets that will steal your heart in Charleston.

For more, read my:

Charleston posts

The Palouse, Washington

I’d been wanting to get up to the Palouse area of Washington State forever when we finally made it there last year on our road trip to Yellowstone and wow, it didn’t disappoint! The rolling hills of green and gold were truly out of this world and I couldn’t look away from the incredible landscape in front of me, in awe that this beauty was in the borders of my own country and in my own little corner of the Pacific North West. You’ll find little farming towns dotting the landscape, while rolling hills of the most vibrant green and gold transport you somewhere completely out of this world.

For more, read my:

Palouse posts


Awww, Alaska, my love. We visited the incredible state of Alaska for the first time a couple Summers ago and are heading out on a cruise to Alaska next week and I can’t wait to be back up there! I fell hard for Alaska and told Nick after our first visit that my new life goal is to have a vacation home up in Alaska someday, that’s how much the state meant to me after visiting. The scenery in Alaska is incredible and it feels as if you’ve been transported beyond the US to somewhere totally different. You’ll find landscape like you’ve never seen, a small town vibe and the most amazing wildlife in the USA’s wildest landscape.

For more, read my:

Alaska posts

Newport, Rhode Island

A few years back, we spent a Memorial Day weekend road tripping around the North East of the USA, visiting Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. And while we loved a bunch of spots on that trip, the standout for me was Newport, Rhode Island. This beauty of a town is straight out of a storybook, with East Cost shingled buildings, ocean views and a small town charm, you’ll find Newport to be the coastal city of your dreams!

For more, read my:

Newport posts

The post My Favorite Places in the USA (so far…) appeared first on Land Of Marvels.

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