Thanksgiving Plans + a Print

I wanted to give a free print for Thanksgiving next week, for anyone interested in some last minute Thanksgiving Day decor. You can save this file directly to your computer, then have it printed by a photo finisher as an 8x10 matte finish print or on card stock from a high quality inkjet printer. I always love framed prints set up next to a pretty drink bar or appetizer display! ;) I am thankful for all of you, and all of the love, support & kindness that you bring to this little space.

We will be hosting Thanksgiving this year, my family will all be coming & we will have a few friends over. I'm especially excited to have my mom, the pie making extraordinaire, here to contribute lots of delicious desserts! One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is watching the Macy's parade in the morning while eating breakfast, I know Harper especially is going to love it this year! We will be pulling our breakfast nook table into the dining room to accommodate everyone, it is a must that we all eat in the same room. I would love to do some kraft paper table runners on both tables, we'll see if the girls let that happen! ;)

We will be frying our turkey, having all of our favorite sides like cheesy potatoes & green bean casserole, and trying a new appetizer inspired by the traditional cranberry sauce, these Cranberry Brie Bites. Do you serve appetizers for Thanksgiving, if so, what are your favorites? Bacon Wrapped Smokies are always a favorite for us but they can be pretty dangerous!

You can find some of our Thanksgiving posts from last year for some decor & recipe ideas, here & here. Hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving planning & daydreaming about all of the delicious food that is on the horizon! XO
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