Madewell Musings · Sep 30, 2014

#Denimmadewell #Contest: See the Winning Snaps at Our Upcoming Insta-Exhibitions

The grand-prize winner, @jodylane

It was quite the task narrowing down the inspiring, entertaining and charming #denimmadewell #contest submissions to one grand-prize winner and five runners-up, but, well, we did what we had to do. If you love the winning images as much as we do, join us for our first-ever Insta-Exhibitions on October 2nd in select stores. Our friends at Artifact Uprising (aka our #denimmadewell #contest partners in crime) have lent their printing talents to create beautiful displays of each of the winning pics for your viewing pleasure that evening. They’ve also printed card sets featuring all six of the winners—it’s our way of saying “thanks for coming” that night.* Check out our list of participating stores and RSVP here.






The contest may be over but denim love never ends. Show us your denim love with the hashtag #denimmadewell for a chance to be featured in our online gallery here.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more.

*While supplies last.

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