Cheryl Pasquier

L.O.L. Surprise series 2 review

You may have spotted my review last week of the new L.O.L. Surprise Lil Sisters, the smaller (and cheaper) version of their big sisters, which offer five surprises and give the possibility of finding matching big and little siblings for your collection. Juliette was delighted to receive a brand new series 2 L.O.L. Surprise (big sister) doll to unwrap.

As you'll know if you read my review of the series 1 L.O.L. Surprise dolls earlier in the year, each ball contains seven surprises - one per layer so it's like playing pass the parcel all by yourself ! The first two layers reveal a sticker sheet and a secret message sticker, which you have to decode by combining the pictures. They're all pretty easy - this one is fan girl.

From here on, the excitement levels rocket skywards because we're into the spotty pink bags which are emblazoned with "Surprise inside ! Yay !" messages.

Hiding inside the first one was a pink and green beaker. Time to move on to the clothes and shoes. What kind of personality would they hint at before the big reveal of the doll itself in the final layer?

Surprise number four was some vibrant yellow booties.

Inside the secret compartment in the ball, we discovered the next bag, containing her clothes - a green and light blue crop top and a pink frilly skirt.

Cracking open the plastic ball would reveal the final two surprises.

The little doll was as impatient as Juliette, judging by the writing on the bag !

Ahh here's the little cutie. We love her shock of pink hair and her funky stripy tights.

Her final accessory was a pair of huge sunglasses, that make her adorable eyes look even bigger. Time to play dress-up and get her outfit on.

The inside of the ball becomes a mini playset with a lounge and a bath, but it also doubles up as a little purse or a handy storage case for your doll and accessories. The bath is perfect for water play because each doll has a surprise water-themed trick - she will change colour, spit, wee or cry. Neon QT is a spitter, but she's cute enough to get away with being so naughty !

They're very cute, very collectible and all tween-aged girls seem to fall instantly in love with them. If the kids going back to school signals the start of your Christmas shopping, you might want to stock up on a few as stocking-fillers !
for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.
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