DIY Carbs T-Shirt!

If you really want to see me climb up on my soapbox, talk to me about how bad carbs are. Yeah, yeah, yeah… we shouldn’t eat carbs and only carbs, but man, sometimes carbs are life. And I certainly couldn’t get through a workout without a lot of ’em. I wanted to celebrate my love for carbs with a slogan tee, and decided to make my own! I’m sure you could figure out how to do this yourself, but just in case, I thought I’d share the simple instructions with you.

S U P P L I E S :

  • iron on letters (like these)
  • t-shirt (mine’s from here)
  • iron
  • press cloth

Step One: Cut out the letters you need to make your word or slogan.

Step Two: Arrange the letters paper-side-up onto the shirt. Spend some time making sure it’s centered and straight!

Step Three: Using a press cloth, apply 30lbs of pressure using a hot iron for 30 seconds onto the letters to adhere them to the shirt.

Step Four: Allow the shirt to cool completely then peel off the paper backing of the letters.

There ya have it! A t-shirt for any purpose, but especially handy for doughnut runs and eating at Italian restaurants!

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The post DIY Carbs T-Shirt! appeared first on Making Nice in the Midwest.

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