Chantelle Hazelden

Tiger Days and the Secret Cat Book Review

My girls were recently sent a lovely book to review, Tiger Days and the Secret Cat is the latest book from Sarah Lean...

Tiger's grandmother looks after animals in need, and when Tiger comes to stay she quickly learns how to feed a baby warthog and keep it safe.
Tiger already has her hands full when a mysterious sound leads her to another little animal... No day is ever dull at Willowgate House!

I have to admit I've not come across Sarah Lean's books before but straight away I was drawn in by the front cover, I think use of a real person on the cover rather than a simple illustration was what appealed to me.
This is definitely a book for children who are animal lovers, I'll let my eldest daughter give her thoughts on the story :

Tiger Days is a lovely read. Training animals, warthogs at first, it becomes easy for Tiger and then a cat comes in..

It is a beautiful story of friendship, emotion and determination. The illustrations of the animals are super cute. One thing though, who calls their child Tiger? Strange but creative I suppose.

I would definitely recommend this to animal lovers and I'd give Tigers Days an overall rating of 9.5 out of 10.

I agree with my daughter the illustrations in this book are lovely. Simple sketches in black and grey which an extra depth to the story as you read.

The story is quite a simple one but it is told brilliantly and brings with it adventure and touches on elements of friendship and ends up being quite touching.

I'd say it is suited to children aged 8 and upwards and introduces them to the ideas of problem solving and how to deal with certain emotions along the way. Just lovely.
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