Kailey Flyte

DIY Maison Margiela Inspired Lipstick Kiss Print Blouse

I became captivated by this blouse by Maison Margiela (formerly Maison Martin Margiela) from the moment I first saw it. A cotton shirt marked with genuine lipstick prints, which were kissed on by in house seamstresses - only 7 were made in total. This piece is a romantic dream come true, reminding me of sad romantic poets.

Determined to make my own, but first I had to work out how. With a white blouse, if you washed a genuinely kissed garment the red would bleed and feather - ruining the blouse and the lipstick kiss marks! That's when I had the idea to make a stamp based on my own lipstick kisses. Continue reading for how I did it below! Or, if you are more of a video person, watch the video tutorial on Youtube

here. If you make this, PLEASE let me know, it would make my week! Far from perfect, it's still one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe.


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You Will Need:
- White Blouse
- Red Fabric Paint (I used this brand)
- Paint Brush
- Craft Foam
- X-Acto Knife
- An Emollient Lipstick (I used Lipstick Queen Lip Lacquer in Fast Car Coral)

How To:
Step One: Creating the Stamp
While wearing an emollient lipstick, kiss a piece of craft foam to create a lipstick print. The lipstick has to be emollient so the print will transfer from your lips to the foam! Using an X-Acto knife, start carving out the shape of the lipstick print. Be sure to cut out the middle of the mouth, and lines to replicate the look of real lips. Rinse the real lipstick off the stamp.

Step Two: Using the Stamp
Brush red fabric paint onto the stamp in a thin, even layer. Don't dab the paint into the wrinkle lines of the stamp. Practice on a piece of paper and scrap fabric to: 1. get a feel for how applying the paint differently to the stamp looks and 2. how the different amount of pressure to apply as you stamp looks. With that information in mind, carefully use the stamp on your blouse - repeat as desired.

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